Julia Stacy
Are you concerned about the direction your life has been heading lately?
Are you feeling stuck in a pattern you are not happy with?
Instead of beating yourself up, let's partner up!
I love helping my awesome clients overcome their obstacles so that they can reach their goals and create the rich, fulfilling life that they deserve.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain with me in your corner so, let's get started!

Online Counseling
Online counseling has consistently been shown to be as effective as in person counseling for most people. There are, however, some situations where it may not be advised.
Some benefits include:
Skipping the stress of fighting traffic and weather.
Saving time and money on gas, a sitter, and waiting time.
Being in the comfort of your own space.
What you need for your online appointment:
Good internet connection.
A private space (in your home, office, car). Running a fan can be helpful for sound muffling if needed.
Computer, laptop, tablet or cell phone. Propping screen up is better than holding it and setting it where you can be seen from your shoulders up is preferred.
What is helpful for your Online Appointment:
Put all devices on do not disturb.
Quit any extra apps or programs that can steal your bandwidth
Have decent lighting with screen propped up at eye level.
Bring something to take notes.
If you are considering Online Counseling, just know that it is super easy to do. A link will be sent to you to use at the time of the appointment that takes you directly to a virtual waiting room until the session begins. Give it a try!
Contact Information:
Email: Julia@Juliastacy.com
Office Mailing Address:
15443 Knoll Trail Drive,
Suite 210
Dallas, Texas 75248
Form Submission: